Ass. Dott. Dağhan IŞIK è nato a Mersin nel 1976. Ha completato la sua istruzione primaria, secondaria e superiore a Izmir. Dopo la laurea presso la Facoltà di Medicina dell’Università Dokuz Eylül nel 1999, ha lavorato come medico freelance. Ha completato la sua formazione di specializzazione in Chirurgia Plastica, Ricostruttiva ed Estetica, iniziata nel 2000, presso l’Università di Gaziantep nel 2005. Ha completato il servizio obbligatorio a Gaziantep tra il 2005 e il 2007.
Il corpo è una composizione e la bellezza dipende dall’armonia di tutte le parti.
Such a professionally friendly, fantastic team of people i would highly recommend. Getting cosmetic surgery abroad is a scary thought, and with all the advertising and offers, it is difficult to know who to trust. I had contacted hundreds of doctors and clinics but was fortunate to talk to a lady who recommended Doc Dr Daghan Isik. He is so welcoming, friendly, and professional. It is so refreshing to hear a Doctor ask, "What are your expectations?" Not only ask but listen and be honest and upfront with what can be safely achieved. It was heartwarming when he asked for my parents' number so he could update them during the surgery of how it was going and the stages they were at. So considerate of him. In addition to all these doctors' fantastic qualities and skills is a remarkable lady ... The Angel by his side Nurse Nazli. So professional, supportive and compared to other clinics and services she knows the best things to do in any eventuality and provides a solution to every problem and an answer to every question you may have. Part of the reason for getting this surgery was to love my body again. It was so hard to even look at it myself, let alone let anyone see me with no clothes on. She made this so much easier. Highly recommend! Be treated like an individual with their own cosmetic goals instead of a number on a target board. Thank you for making mine and my families week so much easier. You are the hidden gems of Istanbul.
My experience was 5 stars from the moment I submitted my contact info and find you can get your procedure done alongside another treatment, that was such a good bonus. Dr. Dağhan IŞIK is such a nice person, very smart, and someone who you can talk to about your surgery and any doubt you can have. It was so lovely visiting Istanbul, and I have no doubt I to repeat my experience if I need to.
Had a mummy makeover recently. The surgeon Dr. Dağhan IŞIK was extremely professional and has done a great job. So happy with the results!!! Special thanks to Berfin, my travel coordinator to Erdem , My after care Specialist , Asil and Salieha , the hosts and to all the great team. I highly recomend Clinic Center to anyone . You will be highly looked after . Thank you Clinic Centre for great experience!!! Will definetly be back.