Lip Aesthetic Surgery

The vitality and fullness of the lips, which is quite remarkable due to its position on the face, is considered one of the symbols of youth and attractiveness. Thinned lips with wrinkles on the edges cause an aged appearance. Although the thinness of the lips is generally caused by the melting of the tissues due to aging, it can also occur genetically.

What is Lip Aesthetics?

The procedures performed for the purpose of giving a more aesthetic appearance to the lips, which have lost their fullness and shape due to different reasons, are called lip aesthetics.

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In order to talk about the beauty of the lips, they must be in harmony and proportion with the other elements of the face. If procedures are performed only for the patient to have thick lips, without considering the compatibility with the other structures of the face, it is possible to face extremely artificial appearances.

Who Is Lip Aesthetics Suitable For?

Lip aesthetics;

  • Having thin lips genetically,
  • Thinning lips as a result of tissue loss due to aging,
  • Those who want to have fuller and thicker lips,
  • Congenital deformities such as cleft lip,
  • Those who want to correct the deformations that occur after lip surgeries,
  • It can be applied to people who have tissue loss due to cancer or any injury.

How is Lip Aesthetics Performed?

Lip aesthetics can be divided into two classes as surgical and non-surgical procedures. Injection of various fillers comes at the beginning of the medical procedures applied to thicken the lip. Autogenous fat or artificial filling materials can be used as filling material. Fat, dermis and fascia grafts are autogenous fillers that can be used for lip thickening. Since the fat grafts may melt to a certain extent after the injection, the permanence rate may differ and more than one session may be required. Dermis and fascia grafts have less melting rates and more permanence. Other than autogenous fillers, materials such as hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapetite can be used.

With lip aesthetic surgery, lip thickening can be achieved by advancing the lip mucosa. The technique to be applied varies according to the person. In cases where the lip needs to be thinned, the tissue can be removed from the incision made in the mouth. With the incisions made from the inside of the lip, it is possible to shorten the lip length by taking the lips with a distinctive appearance. Under-nasal lip lift surgery is mostly applied to patients with wide upper lip skin to shorten the distance.

Before Lip Aesthetics

Before lip aesthetic surgery, points such as the length and width of the person’s lip, the ratio of the lower and upper lips, and how much the teeth are visible from the lip gap during speaking and smiling should be evaluated. The patient’s expectations should be learned, and it should be determined whether these expectations will be compatible and proportional with the other elements of the face. In this direction, patient should be given guidance and information about the result to be obtained after the operation.

Due to the risk of smoking adversely affecting wound healing, smoking should be stopped 2 weeks before the operation. Likewise, aspirin and derivative blood thinners, herbal medicines and supplements should not be used because they increase the risk of bleeding.

Healing Process After Lip Aesthetics

It is possible to experience swelling, redness and bruising after the operation. Although it varies according to personal characteristics, such conditions, which usually start to lighten 1 week after the operation, completely resolve spontaneously within two weeks.

Since the lip tissue is an extremely sensitive structure, hot and cold sensitivity may increase greatly after surgery. The patient should pay attention to the foods he consumes during this period. During the healing process, he should consume warm and liquid foods through a straw, excessive mimics should be avoided.

After the operation, the drugs prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly. Smoking for at least a week and aspirin and derivative anticoagulants, herbal medicines and supplements should not be used for 10 days.

If filler injection applications are made, a much faster recovery process is experienced. Edema and rarely bruising can be seen for 1-2 days after the filler injection. These effects resolve spontaneously within a few days. Swimming pool and sea should not be used for at least 2 days, hammam, sauna and hot shower should be avoided.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lip Aesthetics

According to the patient’s needs, lip aesthetics can be performed with surgical and non-surgical methods.

Filling injections applied under local anesthesia may cause a very slight feeling of discomfort during the application.

Fillers are not injected into people during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In this method, where the problem is resolved with surgical procedures, the results are permanent.