The number of fat cells in the human body does not increase after puberty. Therefore, adults have a constant number of fat cells in their bodies. However, if more calories are consumed than the amount of calories spent, the number of fat cells remains the same, but their volume increases and weight gain occurs. Under normal circumstances, a healthy and balanced diet and a regular exercise program are sufficient for weight loss. However, due to their structural characteristics, some people may have resistant fat deposits that do not respond to regular diet and exercise. Liposuction method can be applied to people who are at or close to their ideal weight and have fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise in certain parts of their body.
Liposuction, one of the common types of cosmetic surgery, is applied to remove fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise and to reshape the body. Liposuction method provides permanent removal of fat cells in the application area. Although liposuction method can be applied to many different areas such as thighs, abdomen, neck, hips, hips, arms, jowl, knees, back, it should not be forgotten that it is actually a body contour correction procedure and should not be mistaken for a slimming method.
Liposuction surgery;
Liposuction is not applied to those who are pregnant and breastfeeding. Liposuction is not applied to people over a certain age, as the success of the operation may be affected due to the decreased elasticity of the skin in advanced ages. However, this decision is made as a result of a patient-specific evaluation.
Liposuction is a procedure that can be applied with different techniques. A mixed liquid solution is injected into the area to be shaped using the liposuction method, and the area is anesthetized and the possible pain felt during the application is alleviated. Incisions of 1-2 mm in length are made on the skin and cannulas are placed in the area through these incisions. The vacuum machine to which the cannulas are attached begins to suck up the partially liquefied oil. The vacuum tube is moved on the surface and the oil is broken down and drained quickly. When the operation is over, the incisions are left open for a while. Thus, it is ensured that no liquid accumulates in the application area and the liquid flows out. Then the incisions are closed, the area is tightly bandaged and the operation is terminated.
In the laser-assisted liposuction method, laser beams are used to melt fat. After the fat is melted, it is vacuumed out through thin cannulas as in the classical method.
In the laser lipolysis method, the fats are broken down by laser beams, but they are not taken out. In this method, the fats broken down are metabolically excreted by the liver and kidneys. This method is mostly used in small fat deposits such as inside the arms and under the chin.
The technique to be used is determined individually according to the application area, how much area will be applied, the skin elasticity of the person and similar factors. Blood thinners, alcohol and smoking should be stopped 2 weeks before the application.
After liposuction surgery, the patient should wear a special corset for about 2 months. Medicines prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly. Complete compliance with the given nutrition program is very important for the success of the operation. During the recommended period, sudden movements should not be made, heavy lifting should not be done and activities that may cause strain should be avoided.
The duration of the surgery varies depending on the application area and how much fat will be removed. The technique to be applied is also decisive on the duration of the operation. On average, it is completed between 1-3 hours.
Liposuction can also be applied to men if they do not have any obstacles to the application.
Fat cells removed from the body are not regained. However, the volumes of fat cells in the area may expand due to weight gain. Therefore, attention should be paid to nutrition and sports regimen after the operation.
Liposuction cannot be applied to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.